I also want to say a big thank you to Karliene for joining me on this song, and turning my naff chorus idea into something epic. I found Karliene thanks to suggestions from you guys on Twitter so thanks to you as well!
► Channel: https://youtube.com/heartofsnow23
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► Subscribe for more game rap: https://youtube.com/douglby
► Hear all my songs in my mega Spotify playlist: http://spoti.fi/1QWwSQR
► Get the song on iTunes: https://goo.gl/VuhtqT ► Google Play: https://goo.gl/xp6raC
► Dan Bull main channel: http://youtube.com/douglby
► FB: http://fb.com/itsDanBull
► Twitter: http://twitter.com/itsDanBull
► Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1vYoEkB
► T-shirts, hats & loot: http://itsdanbull.com/loot
► Become a patron of Dan: http://patreon.com/itsDanBull
Words: Dan Bull, Karliene
Music: JBZ ( https://www.jbzbeats.com/)
Video: Nick J Henderson ( https://youtube.com/NHenderson1987)
parody or satire HELLBLADE: SENUA'S SONG | Dan Bull feat. Karliene | |
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People & Blogs | Upload TimePublished on 22 May 2018 |
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